I'm normally not experimental when it comes to working out. I stick to what I know and what works - mostly because I'm very, very uncoordinated. But tonight my friend asked me to come along to her commercial jazz class, and now I'm bloody exhausted! It was so much fun.
The class is run by Lindsay Ritter. We started off with a fairly intense although seemingly simple warm up of stretching and control exercises that left me red in the face (both from slight embarrassment at my awful flexibility and exhaustion). We then did some runs of pirouettes (HARD) and kicks. It ended with some really fun dance combos that required a bit of booty shaking (something I enjoy ironically as I have no butt).
After just on hour, I can barely walk. My hamstrings are WAY more worked than from last week's hamstring curl exercises. At only $10 a drop-in, I think I may go back. Moral of the story: step outside your comfort zone every now and then! You won't be sorry.