
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to stay motivated when all you want to do is sleep

Obviously, by my lack of posts in the last two weeks, it's clear that my healthy habits have gone missing. Work has been stressful, and I come home mentally exhausted. This total lack of motivation must cease! I need your tips, people! What do you do to stay motivated? Here are some ideas:
  • Put an inspirational photo (e.g. you at your most fit) not only on your fridge but as your computer wallpaper. Some of us spend more time in front of the computer, so it's bound to be effective.
  • Cut a pretty ribbon or other material to the size you want your waist to be and wrap it around your wrist, wearing it as a bracelet as a constant reminder. (Props to Emily for this one!)
  • Brush, floss and rinse after your last meal of the day to prevent eating late at night.
  • Throw back a tall glass of water whenever you feel hungry/a craving coming on. Chances are you're mistaking hunger for thirst, anyway.
  • Unless necessary, don't carry cash or your debit card around with you. The easier the payment, the easier the spending. Nobody wants to feel silly using their Visa to pay for a $5 Burger King combo.
  • Prepare as much good food as you can whenever the mood strikes.
My mood is mid-strike, so I'm baking salmon (so tasty with salsa and sour cream, by the way), sweet potatoes and asparagus for lunch tomorrow. Next, I'll chop up a green pepper as a snack and then put some oatmeal in a pot for tomorrow so there's no excuse. Let's do the damn thang!

What do you do to stay motivated?

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